From Nov 2018 to Oct 2022
Sciforma (now Sciforma+One2Team since Oct. 2021) is a project and portfolio management software that helps companies define their strategies, plan their work, manage resources and carry out projects.
My work consists of re-designing existing parts of our software (Agile, Strategy Execution, Resource Allocations…) as part of the product roadmap. For each topic, we thrive to improve the user experience and add requested features. Other times the project will start based on needs and user stories, with completely new features and an experience to build from scratch. I have also tackled the creation of Sciforma’s Design System.
My main constraints are the technical limitations and the design debt that has piled up over the years, as well as the difficulty to access end users. But these constraints are part of the job’s reality.
On a daily basis, I communicate mostly with the Head of Product, the project managers, and the developers in charge of implementing my designs.